P-05-1123 Raise the priority of non-NHS public facing key workers in the roll out of the Covid-19 vaccine, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 11.02.21


As requested, please find below my feelings regarding the attached letter from The Heath Minister.


As such it is just a restatement of the current policy.


The section that implies that promotion in the order of groups receiving the vaccination of non NHS essential workers such as telecommunication engineers would delay at risk people from receiving the vaccination is true in itself but ignores two key points.


First is that Non NHS essential workers, by nature of their jobs interact closely with colleagues and members of the public. This means that they are not only at personal risk but, especially with the new variants, are in danger of becoming potential ‘super spreaders’ and as such a risk to the public, including the higher risk groups the government are keen to protect.


Secondly front line NHS staff, along with carers  and care home staff, have been prioritised for the vaccination primarily to protect themselves and enable the continued provision of medical services. Non NHS essential workers perform a similar role in allowing services deemed essential to society by the Government to continue during the pandemic. Under the circumstances, why shouldn’t they be afforded the same level of protection?


Kind regards